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"Love Rightly Ordered"

"Virtue is love rightly ordered in our hearts." - St. Augustine The word “desire” has taken on different expressions throughout history. Defined as “the longing or hope for” and “the conscious impulse toward something that promises enjoyment or satisfaction in its attainment,” 1  desire is deeply rooted in us all. We use feelings of desire to motivate us toward a goal, find community, ignite passion and excitement, educate others, and find purpose in this life. However, the consequences of the Fall (Genesis 3) have left us in a perpetual cycle of seeking inner peace and searching for ways to satisfy our deepest longings that only God can fulfill.  We start by looking to Scripture to understand human desire. Repeatedly, we see that God longs to “give [us] the desires of [our] hearts” (Psalm 37:4). Those who seek the Lord and delight themselves in him are promised satisfaction, desires granted, and ultimate joy (Proverbs 10:24, Matthew 5:6, Luke 6:21). Scripture is clear on  h

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